Follow South Coastal AHEC on Facebook @SouthCoastalAHEC.CC Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)  ACLS - The course highlights the importance of high-performance team dynamics and communication; systems of care; and recognition of and intervention in cardiopulmonary arrest, immediate post-cardiac arrest, acute dysrhythmia, stroke, and ASC. 2023 Course Dates: April 7-8 June 2-3 August 4-5 October 6-7 December 1-2 Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: - Recognize and perform early management of respiratory arrest.
- Demonstrate effective communication as a member of a resuscitation team.
- Recognize the impact of team dynamics on overall team performance.
- Perform prompt, high-quality BLS, including prioritizing early chest compressions and integrated external (AED) use.
SEMM (Salud en Mis Manos) / Health in My Hands South Coastal AHEC continues to promote Salud En Mis Manos/Health in My Hands program in our community. The goal of the program is to educate Hispanic/Latina women on the importance of prevention and early detection of breast and cervical cancer as well as to offer women free or low-cost mammograms, pap smears, and HPV vaccines. Our community healthcare workers are ready and eager to provide education to all women of South Texas. March 6, 2023 @ Sinton High School March 9, 2023 @ Orange Grove High School March 16, 2023 @ Calallen Apartments March 20, 2023 @ Nueces County Court House March 22, 2023 @ Flour Bluff Apartments Community Health Worker (CHW) Certification Course – Spring 2023 We are excited to announce that we will begin our Spring CHW Certification course via Zoom on March. 20, 2023. This 160-hour DSHS-approved course provides participants with the opportunity to learn and develop the skills needed to effectively assist people in navigating the healthcare system and gaining access to various community resources and needed services. CHWs are vital to increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through outreach, patient navigation, and community health education. After successfully completing the course, participants will receive official CHW certification from the Texas Department of State Health Services. 2023 Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) Medical Mission  2023 Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) Medical Mission SCAHEC, in partnership with the Department of Defense (DoD), Nueces County/Commissioner (JAG), and other community organizations, is gearing up for the 2023 IRT Medical Mission. This event will take place in June 2023 at various sites throughout Nueces County. Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) is a collaborative program that leverages military contributions and community resources to multiply value and cost savings for participants. IRT Medical missions provide communities with various no-cost healthcare services including, medical, behavioral health, dental, optical, and veterinarian services. Credentialed healthcare providers will deliver care, and no one will be turned away. Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) On May 4, 2023, SCAHEC will host its annual Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) course. ALSO encourages a standardized team-based approach amongst physicians, residents, nurse midwives, registered nurses, and other members of the maternity care team to improve patient safety and positively impact maternal outcomes. We have over 30 physicians registered for the course. Rural Food Distribution SCAHEC, in partnership with the Food Bank of Corpus Christi, will hold its monthly food distribution for the residents of Orange Grove and surrounding rural areas every 3rd Saturday of the month. We are able to provide over 200 families and individuals with healthy food and various educational resources. We are grateful to all of our community partners and volunteers in helping us to make this event a success. As always, we remain diligent in ensuring that all of the necessary safety precautions are taken to protect all volunteers, staff, and community members. Upcoming Health Fairs South Coastal AHEC in partnership with Nueces County Commissioners, the Christus Residency Programs, and other local partners will be having their School Health Fairs and Immunization Drives providing UIL Sports Physicals, Immunizations, COVID shots and testing, screenings, school supplies, and other health resources. May 1, 2023 @ 4-6pm @ Moody High School May 8, 2023 @ 3:15-6pm @ Veterans Memorial High School May 11, 2023 @ 4:30-6:30pm @ Ray High School May 15, 2023 @ 2:30-5:30 pm @ Port Aransas High School May 18, 2023 @ 4:30-6:30 pm @ King High School CEAL (Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 Disparities) Project South Coastal AHEC in partnership with The UT Rio Grande Valley is conducting focus groups within our community that have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 to learn how people are feeling physically and mentally after being positive for COVID-19. Upcoming Presentations On March 8, 2023, Tar Wars will be presenting at Ella Barns Elementary students with education about the harmful effects of tobacco use and vaping. Several different activities are included in this upcoming event to help the students identify how life-altering smoking can be. On March 8, 2023 Mireles Elementary will be having a STEM day for students and South Coastal AHEC will be presenting students with information on healthcare education. We plan to have an amazing interacting session with these students with a little dash of fun games. Vestido Rojo In collaboration with American Heart Association, CVS Health, Methodist Healthcare Ministries, and several other local partners Corpus Christi will be having their annual Vestido Rojo celebration to bring awareness to heart health. Several breakout sessions, food, prizes, and conversation will take place. Our very own Bel Flores BSN will be demonstrating CPR. It looks to be a fun-filled day! Upcoming CME Activities South Coastal AHEC, in partnership with Texas State University and San Diego State University, is providing CME with a six-part ECHO series on Chagas Disease in the United States. This interprofessional series provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals to learn from experts about Chagas Disease and is led by Dr. Paula Stigler- Granados. SCAHEC, in partnership with CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital, continues with its monthly Cardiovascular Journal Club Meetings. This interprofessional educational activity provides an opportunity for cardiologists and other interested healthcare providers to discuss current cases as well as learn about emerging research and innovations in the field of cardiovascular medicine. SCAHEC, in partnership with Del Mar College, will hold the 6th Annual Hospice Symposium on June 21, 2023, in Corpus Christi, Texas. The goal of this activity is to provide both medical professionals and community members with the opportunity to learn about hospice care and the important role it plays in our healthcare system. The conference will feature presentations on various topics related to hospice and end-of-life care. |